Realise your portfolio value and mitigate asset risk

When it comes to your portfolio - our value and risk experts give you peace of mind by leveraging intelligence to help you mitigate risk to enhance future asset values.

A global leader in value and risk advisory

US $3.6Tn

in valued real estate globally


value and risk experts worldwide


operating markets

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Reduce real estate risk and plan your next opportunity

The real estate market is constantly evolving, presenting investors and lenders with new risks and unique opportunities. Several factors dictate an asset’s risk profile and therefore its value; from cashflow stability to climate change, location, regulation and health and safety. Investors and lenders need real-time risk data on their portfolios to know where the market is going and what actions should they take to identify and mitigate risk while optimising asset values.

Our services

Housing provider reduces valuation time using artificial intelligence

Leveraging technology, artificial and human intelligence the JLL team worked with this client to manage valuations and provide up-to-date estimates on property rents and capital value to streamline their national portoflio process. 

Your Value and Risk specialists

  • Dale Winfield

    Head of Value and Risk Advisory, Australia and New Zealand
    Sydney , NSW
  • Martin Reynolds

    Head of Value and Risk Advisory – Institutional and Commercial
  • Georgia Warren-Myers

    Head of ESG Risk, Asia Pacific
    Melbourne , VIC
  • Tyrone Hodge

    Global Head of Risk Advisory

    With a passion for Property and Technology that spans a 30 year career Tyrone embraces change and disruption to create better solutions for clients. Tyrone has lead the charge in the property sector for many years having driven the disruption of real estate advertising and adoption of the Internet in the mid 90’s; leading a team focused on consumer and data analytics; founding a technology incubator and most recently playing a senior role in a team focused on valuation transformation and technology at JLL. 

    As the Global Head of Risk Advisory, Tyrone is responsible for developing technology-led solutions that enable investors and lenders to seamlessly manage valuations and mitigate climate and market risk in real estate.

    Tyrone is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and Fellow of the Australian Property Institute. Academic achievements include property qualifications, an MBA, Master of Property Development and Diploma in Interactive and Data Driven Marketing.

Talk to our team about your portfolio today


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